1) 岡山
房型: 準雙人床140cm×195cm
價格: 每人4100 Yen (星期六) / 3100 Yen (星期日) (免費早餐)
交通: 岡山JR駅西口直達
推薦指數: **** (5*為滿分)
優點: 整潔乾淨,交通方便
缺點: 枕頭不夠舒適,只有LOBBY有WIFI
如果以岡山駅為移動中心,選擇岡山 Via Inn不錯。價錢很優惠,已經直接連結JR 駅,搬運行李不辛苦。
2) 白浜天山閣海ゆぅ庭
〒649-2211 和歌山県西牟婁郡白浜町2020
房型: 露天風呂付 和洋室 10疊
價格: 每人16200 Yen (一泊二食)
交通: 明光巴士草原之湯站下車步行15分鐘 / 梅樽溫泉酒店下車連絡酒店人員致電免費接送車 (或其實直接到白浜時致電旅館安排迎接?!) 回程有免費私家車接送至白濱區內任何地方
推薦指數: **** (5*為滿分)
優點: 客房附私人露天風呂而價錢相對優惠,食物質素不錯,連結白浜溫泉公園
缺點: 離車站遠,少許舊,枕頭不夠舒適
在白浜要選擇有私人露天風呂付的溫泉旅館,除非有很高的預算,否則住這一家天山閣海ゆぅ庭一定是最便宜的了。房間來說還好,是有一點老舊 (但據聞只是開業10年?)。
酒店本身只有一個叫熊野古道溫泉的大浴場,沒什麼特別; 但一旁是白浜溫泉公園,入全酒店的客人可以免費去溫泉公園浸湯,女湯有2個外湯,1個室內的,沒什麼景觀; 男湯也是2個外湯1個室內,其中一個絕景之湯是望海景的,大少說非常漂亮。
絕景之湯 (男湯), 大少一人獨享時攝(是不是很有FU)
但整體來說,白浜溫泉公園是感覺很老舊,沒什麼維修,應該歷史很久吧。基本上都沒有遊客都是我們自己在浸,小妹一個人的話真有點怕 (膽小)。
詳細介紹可看遊記:[日本關西] Day 3 (下)白浜天山閣 海ゆう庭溫泉旅館。無敵海景露天風呂客房
3) スーパーホテル京都・烏丸五条 (Super Hotel)
〒600-8177 京都府京都市下京区烏丸通り五条下る大坂町396番3
TEL:075-343-9000 / FAX:075-343-9001
房型: 準雙人床12㎡ 房間
價格: 每人3730 Yen (免費早餐)
交通: 京都市営地下鉄烏丸線五条駅8番出口 徒歩約0分
推薦指數: *** (5*為滿分)
優點: 絕對便宜!! 整潔乾淨,地鐵站出口旁
缺點: 房間真的很小,相對五条不近旅遊景點,要轉乘地鐵
有齊基本Super Hotel的優點,有早餐,可選擇枕頭,女生可再選5款日用品。但提提大家這家浴室沒有洗頭水唷。就是一家基本的酒店。
地理位置是因為後一天要移動至另一家連結地鐵九條站的酒店,所以選擇了這家連結五條站的Super Hotel。否則位置來說,四條河原町會比較好,因為五條什麼都沒有,而且地鐵在京都來說,等車很久已經不算四通八達。
4) SAKURA TERRACE (サクラテラス)
房型: 三人間 30平米
價格: 每人 6000 yen (不包早餐)
交通: JR京都駅八条東口から徒歩6分 或地下鉄九条駅0分
推薦指數: ***** 滿分 (5*為滿分)
優點: 整潔舒適,房間超大,有大浴場,lobby有免費茶水供應,地理位置方便
缺點: 沒有
完美的酒店配套! 舒適! 可以想像在京都會有這麼大的房間嗎?!
而酒店本身附設大浴場,sauna 還有按摩浴,每天都可以一洗疲勞。
5) 心齋橋新大阪酒店
房型: 標準準雙人床 (不含早餐)
價格: HK$470 一間房
交通: 心齋橋地鐵站8號出口 (日航酒店旁)
推薦指數: ** (5*為滿分)
優點: 地理位置方便,心齋橋中心地帶,價位超值,乾淨整潔
缺點: 通風系統不佳,有雜音,隔壁開熱水爐的聲音都會聽見 (要是你是不能容忍雜音睡覺的人不要選擇好了)
睡不著的時間,就不停聽到通風系統間隔的抽風聲音 (不算大聲但在漫漫長夜很擾人)
不過有折扣時真是超便宜的。位置也很方便在心齋橋地鐵站附近。但拖著重重的行李回程去機場都有一點吃力,所以可能下一次回程的酒店我還是住在JR或車站直結,不用走太多路的酒店好了 (噗)
There are many observable physical phenomena that arise in interactions involving virtual particles. For bosonic particles that exhibit rest mass when they are free and actual, virtual interactions are characterized by the relatively short range of the force interaction produced by particle exchange. Confinement can lead to a short range, too. Examples of such short-range interactions are the strong and weak forces, and their associated field bosons.
For the gravitational and electromagnetic forces, the zero rest-mass of the associated boson particle permits long-range forces to be mediated by virtual particles. However, in the case of photons, power and information transfer by virtual particles is a relatively short-range phenomenon (existing only within a few wavelengths of the field-disturbance, which carries information or transferred power), as for example seen in the characteristically short range of inductive and capacitative effects in the near field zone of coils and antennas.
Some field interactions which may be seen in terms of virtual particles are:
The Coulomb force (static electric force) between electric charges. It is caused by the exchange of virtual photons. In symmetric 3-dimensional space this exchange results in the inverse square law for electric force. Since the photon has no mass, the coulomb potential has an infinite range.
The magnetic field between magnetic dipoles. It is caused by the exchange of virtual photons. In symmetric 3-dimensional space, this exchange results in the inverse cube law for magnetic force. Since the photon has no mass, the magnetic potential has an infinite range.
Electromagnetic induction. This phenomenon transfers energy to and from a magnetic coil via a changing (electro)magnetic field.
The strong nuclear force between quarks is the result of interaction of virtual gluons. The residual of this force outside of quark triplets (neutron and proton) holds neutrons and protons together in nuclei, and is due to virtual mesons such as the pi meson and rho meson.
The weak nuclear force is the result of exchange by virtual W and Z bosons.
The spontaneous emission of a photon during the decay of an excited atom or excited nucleus; such a decay is prohibited by ordinary quantum mechanics and requires the quantization of the electromagnetic field for its explanation.
The Casimir effect, where the ground state of the quantized electromagnetic field causes attraction between a pair of electrically neutral metal plates.
The van der Waals force, which is partly due to the Casimir effect between two atoms.
Vacuum polarization, which involves pair production or the decay of the vacuum, which is the spontaneous production of particle-antiparticle pairs (such as electron-positron).
Lamb shift of positions of atomic levels.
The Impedance of free space, which defines the ratio between the electric field strength |E| and the magnetic field strength |H |: Z0 = | E|⁄|H|.[8]
Much of the so-called near-field of radio antennas, where the magnetic and electric effects of the changing current in the antenna wire and the charge effects of the wire's capacitive charge may be (and usually are) important contributors to the
total EM field close to the source, but both of which effects are dipole effects that decay with increasing distance from the antenna much more quickly than do the influence of "conventional" electromagnetic waves that are "far" from the source.[a] These far-field waves, for which E is (in the limit of long distance) equal to cB, are composed of actual photons. Actual and virtual photons are mixed near an antenna, with the virtual photons responsible only for the "extra" magnetic-inductive and transient electric-dipole effects, which cause any imbalance between E and cB. As distance from the antenna grows, the near-field effects (as dipole fields) die out more quickly, and only the "radiative" effects that are due to actual photons remain as important effects. Although virtual effects extend to infinity, they drop off in field strength as 1⁄r2 rather than the field of EM waves composed of actual photons, which drop 1⁄r.[b][c]
回覆刪除Most of these have analogous effects in solid-state physics; indeed, one can often gain a better intuitive understanding by examining these cases. In semiconductors, the roles of electrons, positrons and photons in field theory are replaced by electrons in the conduction band, holes in the valence band, and phonons or vibrations of the crystal lattice. A virtual particle is in a virtual state where the probability amplitude is not conserved. Examples of macroscopic virtual phonons, photons, and electrons in the case of the tunneling process were presented by Günter Nimtz[9] and Alfons A. Stahlhofen.[10]
腦1臺、帳冊3本、教戰守則1本、金融卡22 (地點:機房)